• Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch
  • Kati Kirsch

Kati Kirsch

Artist: Kati Kirsch

Rarity: Unique

Method: Paint on repurposed London bus panel 

Material: Aluminium

Size: 42 x 71 x 0.5cm

Weight: 0.9KG


Kati Kirsch is a visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a purveyor of knick-knacks and a collector of anything butterfly related, and it is certainly evident in her painting. Kirsch's work is a bit like that of a hoarder-turned-curator, in which she scrolls the memory banks or charity shop shelves for evocative objects and weaves them into a story.

To further the metaphor, these stories present themselves like a post-modern retelling of The Hobbit, in which an inebriated collector returns to The Shire with just about everything shiny but the ring. Despite this rather convoluted recounting of her work, Kirsch exhibits a meticulously poetic art wherein a world is both noticed and calculated.

Her paintings and collage visualise a culture twisted by the internet age, where "weird" is no longer a neat or containable thing. Everything is weird when you actually look at it and if you are skilled enough, like Kati, you might even be able to mathematically predict where to find it.