• Susie Hamilton
  • Susie Hamilton
  • Susie Hamilton
  • Susie Hamilton
  • Susie Hamilton

Susie Hamilton

Original artwork

Edition 1 of 1 

Paint on repurposed London bus panel

37 x 74cm


Susie Hamilton is a British painter whose work is defined by an economic use of brush stroke, often manipulating or confining her characters by the method itself. She paints wild spaces, be it a forest, empty shopping mall, or any environment that challenges its occupant. The figures in her work are in conversation with their surroundings and it is sometimes the environment itself at odds with the subject.

Painted with rapid gestures, Hamilton cuts the fat away from imagery with an economical application of medium thereby allowing the material to sing. The rugged materiality of her work is honest and in complete reference to itself as art. It speaks to the unfinished, unspeakable, non-granularity of life. She defies the precision of scientific, literal, or photographic painting in an indulgence of the uniqueness of sight.

Hamilton’s paintings are a hauntingly beautiful celebration of that which has to be seen to be believed, in the way that poetry attempts to reveal the buried language of the planet. Susie Hamilton has recently exhibited across London and the UK with a residency in St. Paul’s Cathedral.